Language is the most important means of communication between people, and as a social phenomenon, it has regulated social relations throughout the history of human life. In other words, language is a means of expressing thought and thought, and thought is an expression of human essence in the continuation of existence. Intra-linguistic opportunities and cultural and cultural environments give power and strength to the language and its owners and make them resistant to various problems of life. We can apply this point of view to the national language – the Tajik language, which has gained state status and status. Another issue that shows the power and potential of language is the issue of connection between language and thought. Thought, including national thought, language and, correspondingly, language strengthens national thought. Weakness of one of these two phenomena, or in philosophical terms, phenomenon, leads to the manifestation of limited intellectual, creative, cultural, artistic, moral and similar capacities in social bodies and exposes the nation to many material and spiritual problems. It is from here that the equality and balance of these two phenomena maintains the balance in social relations and blocks the clear path of moral, intellectual, scientific and cultural crises. By paying attention to this, the capacity of language and thought, the capacity of the nation and the state is developed, and if behind the language there is intelligence and knowledge, that language can have the future and the ability to represent the nation in the international arena.

       A lot has been said and written about the issue of the state language and the construction of national opinion, and this issue was subject to many arguments even in the sixties and seventies, and especially in the second half of the eighties of the twentieth century, when the Tajik people lived in the territory of the Soviet state. The current state of the Tajik language in the territory of the Soviet state testified to the fact that the domestic intelligentsia, especially the national intellectuals, made strong efforts to strengthen and strengthen the national language. The efforts and insistence of the national intellectuals led to the fact that the Tajik language gained state status and preserved its influence along with the dominant language of the time – the Russian language. The action of the national intellectuals, who entered the stage of linguistic, political, cultural and spiritual debates with a national idea, is worthy of praise.

        The period of independence places more and more responsibility on the owners of the language, intellectuals and national cultures. Special attention should be paid to the issue of national opinion . Most importantly, the feeling of responsibility of every individual of a sovereign society originates from national thought. According to researchers, the national thought of Tajiks is the oldest manifestation of human ideology, it started from the great Aryan culture, and through it entered the arena of world civilization (see: Samiev A.H. National thought – the philosophy of Unity and revival of Tajikistan. In the book: The theory and methodology of national unity – Dushanbe: Donish, 2007 – P.35). The national language and thought (meaning the state language – Tajik) has been part and parcel with the Tajik people since the dawn of the appearance of the Iranian people. If we talk about the geography of this language and its latitude and longitude, the impression of the great Iranian scholar Ustad Saeed Nafisi comes to mind, who famously called the Tajik region «The pure land of my ancestors» (see: Nafisi Said. The pure land of my ancestors) In the book: Tajiks on the path of history / Research and editing by Mirzo Shukurzoda. – Tehran: Alhudo international publishing house, 1384. – P.37-40). It is this historical region, which is called Khorasan, that brought together people who spoke the same language and promoted the spread of the national language and culture to other regions and vast geography.


 Шарипова М.А., устоди ДПДТТ дар шаҳри Хуҷанд