Today is the day of mourning for the Tajik people, and the Kyrgyz people.  If Kyrgyz people could understand the word shame and honour on this difficult day, they would not have done this. But we are talking about those people who are in appointment, who stand like a jackal behind a bush or behind a poor people.

Do you know who we are talking about? Of course, about the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Sadir Japarov, and the head of its security, Kamchinbek Tashiev. They are two jackals who fought against a lion, but a lion is a king and does not know betrayal. The Tajik people have never been the first to start a war and would not have started a war if their homeland had not been attacked and its people killed.

Indeed a man attacks early in the morning when the people have not woken up from the deep sleep yet.

Since the period of the Soviet Union, we lived with the Kyrgyz nation both as neighbours and as brothers, but unfortunately, today neither brother knows brother no friend know friend.

Today, this terrible news, which covers the entire Tajik-Kyrgyz border, this war that is going on between two brothers, does not enter the human mind.

It is a pity that some of the people of the appointments of the Kyrgyz nation and other states, who are given to the absent words of the third person, are causing so much suffering to the ordinary people, may God punish them.

Hey, two jackals of the Kyrgyz nation don't trample the many years of friendship between two brothers!


Омӯзгори калони кафедраи забонҳои

хориҷӣ н.и.ф. Аминҷонова Р.Ҳ.